Home At Home How kindness is spreading across Australia 

How kindness is spreading across Australia 

How kindness is spreading across Australia 

They say that one small act of kindness can go a very long way and during these challenging times, never a truer word could be said. Over the last few months, our TV screens have been flooded with negative news, but it’s not all doom and gloom. Kindness has been spreading far and wide and it has us feeling all warm and fuzzy inside!   

If you’re wanting a good dose of happiness, we suggest you join The Kindness Pandemic on Facebook. Dr Catherine Barrett set up this public Facebook group in an attempt to profile acts of kindness in our communities. She created the page on the 14th March at 7.30pm and by the very next morning, there were over 1,000 members. Fast forward two weeks and half a million Australians and people from around the world, are part of this virtual community. Each daythe page is flooded with feel-good stories, proving that kindness always prevails. In fact, kindness is quite a contagious thing!  

Bec Baker from South Brisbane set out to create her own Facebook page that could help locals in need.  She created the South Brisbane Community Helpers Group which connects volunteers willing to lend a hand, with locals in need of assistance. Volunteers can help their neighbours in need with everyday chores like picking up the post to shopping for groceries.    

During a time when many of us might be feeling anxious or worried about the future, a small act of kindness could make a huge difference in someone’s day, probably more than we realise. If there is someone you know who needs a helping hand, here are a few ways you can show them you care:   

  • Drop them a little note (or text, if you’re iPhone savvy), highlighting why they’re so special to you.  
  • Blooms are a great way to brighten someone’s day. Pick some flowers from the garden or buy a bunch from the supermarket.  
  • Iyou know someone who is working from home or homeschooling, you could offer to do a run to the shops for them.  
  • During these times, caffeine can go a long way! You could buy them a cup of coffee from their favouriite café and drop it to their door.  
  • With many of us spending more time at home, your friend in need might appreciate something to read.  Drop off the newspaper or a magazine you know they’d like.    

These small acts of kindness won’t require much effort on your end, but they are sure to make a huge difference to someone’s day. Plus, it’ll make you feel pretty darn good about yourself too. That’s what we call a “win, win  

“Kindness is always fashionable, and always welcome.”  – Amelia Barr