“Be Useful” by Arnold Schwarzenegger

Lee and Victoria weren’t the only ones to love “Be Useful” by Arnold Schwarzenegger… Here is what the QBD crew thought:

In Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new bestselling title, “Be Useful”, he details the essential seven rules to follow and instill into your life for success and productivity. In multiple spheres of life, Arnold has achieved monumental levels of accomplishment, and this title takes readers through his process of thinking big, problem-solving, resilience, hard work, and more.

Arnold, throughout his life, has been the world’s highest-earning actor, and the world’s most renowned bodybuilder, as well as the governor of California from 2003 to 2007. His journey of success and the values he holds close are all guided by the one phrase Arnold’s father would always repeat to him, “be useful.” This riveting title holds a profound tool kit for a meaningful existence and one that Arnold follows regimentally.

“Be Useful” is an incredible book for people who are struggling with the disconnect between their identity and their purpose. Arnold reminds the reader in his blunt but powerful voice that they are their own rescuer, and the reader is the key to their own success and happiness.

Buy Now


Shot on location at The Prop House. 

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