Windorah is the last town you’ll pass through when trekking west from Brisbane for Birdsville’s Big Red Bash.
It falls within the Barcoo Region – known as ‘The Heart of Channel Country’. It’s one of the more remote shires in far Western Queensland – and the gateway to Birdsville, Bedourie, Innaminka, Quilpie or Longreach and Winton to the north.
Windorah boasts big skies, the beauty of Coopers Creek and the intrigue and colour of red sandhill country… and can be easily accessed via sealed roads all the way through from the east.
Sando’s Sandhills are a prominent drawcard for the region – they have great views of town and some of the reddest sand ever seen. You’ll find them situated within Ourdel Station – just outside of Windorah.
Ourdel Station has been part of the Kidd family since 1906.
Today, James ‘Dude’ Kidd upholds the family name for his late father, Sandy – a ‘Windorah legend’ who pioneered aerial mustering for people of the bush.